Pursuant to section 34 of the Children’s Law Reform Act, a court may give such directions as it considers appropriate for the supervision of custody or access by a person, a children’s aid society or other body. My focus here is on access supervised by a Supervised Access Centre. Supervised access orders are made to address the best interest of the child by addressing a parent’s parenting skills, reintegration or introduction of child with the parent, protect the child from…
How to Succeed in Your Custody Battle for Couples Living Together Before Separation
When assessing a custody claim for couples residing together before separation, a judge will likely award you one form of custody of your child (sole custody, joint custody, shared custody or parallel parenting) if you present evidence that meet elements of section 24 of the Children’s Law Reform Act. Here is a summary of what you need to do: Start parenting before the child is born by participating in pre-natal classes and supporting the pregnant partner with the pregnancy i.e. accompanying her…
How To Separate and Get a Divorce | Toronto Family Lawyer
If you have experienced a marriage breakdown in your marital relationship and you are considering separating from your wife or husband and ultimately getting a divorce, here are some steps to follow: Notify your spouse regarding your intention to separate. Conduct yourself as separated. Separation While Continuing to Live Under Same Roof The court must look at various objective factors to determine if the parties are living apart or not including the following: There must be a physical separation… Just…